Ways to Prevent Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is a condition that involves the inflammation of the gums and structures that support the teeth. The main cause of periodontal disease is the bacteria in dental plaque.
One of the major symptoms of gum disease is bleeding gums. However, because this disease is often painless in the beginning, most patients tend to ignore it. Unfortunately, it can progress and become very serious, and it can increase the patient’s risk of suffering from other conditions such as heart disease, respiratory infections, premature birth and stroke.
Preventing periodontal disease
The following are some of the ways a patient can prevent periodontal disease:
1. Brush and floss teeth
Dentists advise patients to brush their teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. It is important for patients to take between three and five minutes every day for oral hygiene. Brushing removes any plaque and debris trapped between the gums and teeth. Brushing at the gum line also helps massage the gums and increase blood flow to gum tissues. Flossing helps get rid of any particles between the patient’s teeth or along their gum line that a toothbrush can’t reach.
2. Examine diet
The patient’s diet can have a huge impact on their gum and teeth health. They should avoid diets rich in sugar, as bacteria in plaque feed on the sugar and produce acids that damage their teeth and gums. Patients should also consider adding vitamin C to their diet, as this nutrient can help reduce the risk of scurvy and bleeding gums.
3. Stop smoking
Patients who smoke have a higher chance of suffering from gum disease. Smoking interferes with how gum tissue cells function and makes the smoker more susceptible to gum infections and periodontal disease. Smoking also affects blood flow to the gums, which makes it harder for gum infections to heal. People who smoke also have more tartar and plaque than non-smokers.
4. Consume raw vegetables
Raw vegetables and hard fibrous foods such as carrots can help reduce the risk of periodontal disease. Eating these hard and raw vegetables helps stimulate and clean teeth and gums.
5. Use mouthwash
Antibacterial mouthwash can help clean teeth and inhibit the development of plaque. As a result, mouthwash helps reduce the risk of gingivitis and other gum diseases. Patients who do not want to use store-bought mouthwash can make their own mouthwash at home by mixing 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with water and swishing the solution in their mouth for about three seconds.
6. Visit a dentist
It is important for patients to visit their periodontist at least once every year for a check-up. The doctor can look for early signs of gum disease and treat the condition before it gets worse. The dentist can also advise the patient on all the things they need to do to ensure healthy gums.
Wrapping up
Taking care of the gums is just as important to a patient’s long-term oral health as taking care of the teeth. In fact, many people lose their teeth because they have gum infections that cause their teeth to become loose. Follow these tips to reduce your risk of gum disease, and visit your dentist for check-ups so they can detect any symptoms and treat them immediately.
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